Presentation Tips you Might Not Want To Use
I’ve been fortunate to deliver sessions at Apple’s WorldWide Developer Conference (WWDC) in California on many occasions, and have learned some good things about presenting.
These are not those things. But I’ve saved them here for posterity, because I think after 20 years, the statute of limitations has expired.
Be Sure To Wear the Speaker Shirt
WWDC 2002, WebObjects Technical Overview
It’s important that everybody wear the special speaker shirt.
My thanks to engineering manager Toni Trujillo Vian who went along with this dumb idea that was presented to her about two minutes before the session started.
See If You can Get the Crowd to Stand and Sing
WWDC 2001, WebObjects Technical Overview
What session would not be improved with a singalong? Well, perhaps this one.
(This was actually the second time I got a WWDC crowd to stand and sing. In an earlier session on the very dry topic of WebObjects debugging, we staged the World WebObjects Debugging Championship at the end (between a couple of good-natured volunteers from the USA and Canada) and played the anthem of the winning country at the end. Congrats, Mark Ritchie of Canada.)