
    My name's on your iPhone

    Really. Go find it. Iā€™ll wait.

    Couldnā€™t find it? Settings > General > About > Legal > Legal Notices. Scroll waaaaaaaay down. Eventually youā€™ll hit this -

    update - in 2022 it’s in Settings > General > Legal and Regulatory > Legal Notices Legal Notices

    Thatā€™s right, Steve Hayman of the Indiana University Computer Science Department.

    Whatā€™s all that about?

    In 1989 or so I was working at Indiana University as a network manager in the computer science department. We had a fleet of Apollo and Sun workstations, and one or two of these weird NeXT cube things, which I wound up getting to know pretty well but thatā€™s another story.

    University of California, Berkeley had a popular variant of the UNIX system, which we used at IU on our Suns, including the Sun 3/60 on my desk, that happened to be based extensively on AT&Tā€™s System V.

    Berkeley wanted to get rid of the AT&T parts so that they could make it truly open-source and unencumbered by the AT&T license restrictions, so they put out a call for volunteers to rewrite certain AT&T programs from scratch. (The rules were: you were allowed to study and run the original, and look at the man page, but you couldnā€™t look at the original AT&T source code.)

    Along with many other people who were much better programmers than me, I volunteered, and they asked me to take a stab at rewriting /usr/games/bcd, which was a silly little program that took text and drew a fake punch card around it.

    BCD output sample

    BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal, which was the text encoding standard that evolved into EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code), as used on punch cards, which I actually used in my first year Waterloo computing course on Fortran, and you would perhaps have liked the conference talk I gave at MacSysAdmin on the history of text encodings from Morse Code to Emoji - but more importantly - this bcd program qualified as high concept computer geek humor back in the day. Also it was in /usr/games! What exciting computer games we had in those days!

    AT&T Unix came with this utility, and I volunteered to rewrite it, and submitted the code to Berkeley. They seemed happy with it and asked me to do another so I also rewrote /usr/bin/join, which is a sort of command line version of the database join function. (That one was way more useful but way less fun to demo.)

    Weirdly, the AT&T version only created 48-column cards instead of the standard 80-column card, but I was intent on copying the AT&T version, so if you ever look at the source you should change this line int columns = 48;

    So anyway I kind of forgot about it, but here we are, decades later. Berkeley UNIX has continued to evolve, and a lot of the Berkeley code found its way into Linux, and MacOS, and even iOS. Needless to say, iOS doesnā€™t actually include either the bcd or join programs, but it does include a lot of other Berkeley Unix code.

    Apple lists the license agreement and credits for a ton of open source code in its Legal Notices section, and Berkeley, god bless them, has chosen to include the names of all these contributors from long ago. The Berkeley section says This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by ā€¦. and lists dozens of people, virtually all of whom did something way more important than I did.

    But there it is. Iā€™m sure hardly anybody reads the Legal Notices but itā€™s the first thing I check when thereā€™s a new iOS release. Just making sure things are still there.


    Berkeley unix mutated into OpenBSD and FreeBSD and NetBSD and Linux and MacOS and iOS and watchOS and tvOS and I canā€™t keep track of it all - but you can see the OpenBSD version of the BCD source here.

    I am really amused that in my efforts to copy the AT&T version exactly, I inadvertently copied a bug from the original! Four years later, Dyane Bruce noticed (and fixed) that Q and R were being punched the same way! ooops.

    old experiments

    The other day my son informed me that the basement family room light turned on at the exact moment someone rang the doorbell. Now, we have some HomeKit automation in our house - light switches, thermostat, etc - but I know our doorbell is not a homekit-enabled doorbell, so that couldn’t possibly be it.

    It must have been just one of those weird coincidences.

    Maybe an electrical glitch.

    Maybe he’s imagining things….

    Today I got thinking about another kind of automation. Is there something I can do so that I can post something once and then it gets automatically submitted to Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook and this blog? Hmm. I know a lot of people like IFTTT, a web based tool where you can make actions happen when something else happens ….I remember looking at that once … I should log in there and see if there’s something.

    So I log in to ifttt for the first time in a long time. And discover this, which has been quietly running away for the past two years:

    IFTTT workflow



    Oh THAT. I remember now.

    That explains it. That long forgotten experiment has been turning our basement lights on whenever the doorbell rings for almost three years, completely unnoticed by everybody.

    Well, unnoticed by me.

    Thanks for the tip, Nick.

    (I’ve deleted it. Thank you for your service, my little forgotten ifttt workflow.)

    You should get a custom domain.

    You really should get a custom domain.

    I like having “” for my domain name. (I registered that one over twenty years ago - I wish I had been fast enough to get “” - but that was for many years a cash register company in the States, that has now mutated into a consulting company. But they are also Haymans (no relation) so that’s cool.)

    A domain can be as cheap as $10/year. What can you do if you’ve registered your own? Permanence.

    • Have whatever simple, easy to remember, easy to say email address you like, forever. You can set things up so that email to YourSimpleEmailAddress is magically forwarded to YourActualComplicatedEmailAddress.
      i.e. Let’s say you registered the domain name “”.
      Now you can tell everybody that your email address, forever, will be
      Doesn’t that look better and more professional than “”? And if you ever switch email addresses - maybe you’ve dropped the cable company - you don’t need to tell anybody that your new email address is now “”. They can keep using as if nothing ever happened. You just change the mail forwarding setup. And … If you’re looking for a job, which email address do you want to tell them -, or ?

    • Set up similar email addresses for friends and family. My dad has a simple email address now, one based on his name that is easy to remember, and he has been known to brag about this vanity address to his friends. I think he says “my son runs the internet, that’s how he managed to get”

    • Set up emails for your kids that just forward everything to your email address, so you can gently introduce them to email. I have been known to register a domain name and email forwarding for somebody else’s new baby as a thoughtful gift. I think this is a thoughtful gift. Wouldn’t you like to have a permanent, easy to remember email address from the day you were born? (Other people disagree. I’m still trying.)

    • Make a single email address that goes to BOTH Mom and Dad.
      We did this any time the school or anybody else wanted an email contact. We told them to use - and those emails were a simple address that forwarded to BOTH parents so that we’d each see the important communications.

    • Make a catch-all address, if you like, so that ANY email at all sent to will be forwarded to your actual email address. Then you can invent a new email every time you register for something. Tell the newspaper that your address is, say, “” and you can instantly recognize emails that come from the paper to you. Or if you need to register for some throwaway site, don’t give them your real email, give them . You can always arrange later that any mail sent to that address will be magically deleted.

    • Have a blog with an easy to remember domain name, like this one - “”, instead of (in my case, at the moment) “”. I like but if I ever get tired of it and want to move to wordpress or tumblr or something else, I can keep using “” and just change a few settings so that that address now refers people to wherever my blog actually is. If you happen to be using, there are some good instructions here on setting up a custom domain.

    • Have a web site that actually redirects people to your Facebook page or your blog page or anywhere else. We’ve done this for my wife’s travel business, a simple URL - - that redirects to her travel agency’s web site. We can change that redirect later to point to anything else, but she can use this as part of her brand.

    The hardest part, of course, is thinking of a good domain name that isn’t already in use. All the good .com’s are gone. has been registered, sometimes by a company that wants to sell you some email forwarding services. But I bet you can think of something. Maybe you register or or some other variation? Maybe .net or .ca or any one of hundreds of new top-level-domains that have been created recently?

    Where to start?

    There are plenty of registrars who will register the domain name you’ve dreamed up, and let you set up email forwarding like I described. Most will let you search for domain names across .com, .net, .ca, .club, .construction, .family and hundreds of other top-level-domains at once.

    I happen to like Namecheap and EasyDNS but there are lots of others.
    Let’s say I was doing this today. I’d go to and there’s a search box on the main page. Type in “hayman” and it’ll start searching … and we see …

    • (taken)
    • (taken - wait, I already have this one)
    • (that’s me too)
    • (Available! Premium! $5,532.50/year! No thank you!)
    • (Only $2.48/year for the first year)

    And many more. Pick one, sign up, pay Namecheap, and you’ll own your domain.

    Let’s say you like “”. Namecheap then gives you a web site where you can set things up so that email to, for instance, “” gets forwarded to “” and you never need to tell anybody your ugly cable company email address again. Just tell them “”. Any mail anybody sends to will get magically forwarded (by Namecheap’s servers) to your real email address. And if you choose later in life to switch from to or or or anything else, you don’t need to tell everybody in the world what your new address is; you just return to and fiddle with the forwarding.


    • Don’t forget to renew your domain every year. If you’re serious about this, set up automatic renewal. You don’t want to forget to renew “” and then have all your incoming email stop working - or, worse, somebody else registers YOUR domain name and won’t give it back unless you pay them big bucks. Actually happens.

    • You’ll have to set up your Mail program so that mail you create says “From:” instead of “From:

    • Pick a reputable domain name registrar.

    • A .com domain still seems to have the greatest prestige, for no particularly good reason other than .com has been around the longest. It’s also getting really hard to find domain that hasn’t already been chosen. There’s nothing wrong with using .net or .ca or any of the hundreds of others - but if you can find a simple .com that’s still available, use that. On the other hand, ma

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