blogging about blogging

    I don’t get how replies work here on I have Add reply text box on post page checked, but I don’t see a reply box on posts. Well - I do on some of the old posts, but not all of them, and (I assume) not this one. Hmm.

    Blog Migration a qualified success

    fingers crossed, I think I have got all the DNS bits worked out so that my old wordpress blog is, for now, (but I’ll be decommissioning that soon) and WELCOME TO THE NEW AND IMPROVED !

    I’m liking so far but still finding my way around the documentation.

    Posting from phone. With photo.

    Puzzled guy

    Blog migration time, crossing my fingers

    I signed up for a blog in years ago but let it lapse and started doing things via a hosted WordPress install on - but I always found that to be more confusing than I wanted. Have now signed up for a paid account and am attempting to move over here. I think that’ll help me blog more.

    I have a feeling it’ll take me a while to get the dns stuff sorted out so “” works as the canonical name though.

    going to try importing the old WordPress stuff, let’s see what happens.

    er, what? is this thing on?

    Huzzah, I can blog again

    Thanks to Red Sweater Software for whatever they fixed in MarsEdit 5.2.6, it appears I can blog again. (Assuming this post works, of course.)

    I'd write more here but something is broken.

    I usually use MarsEdit to post from my Mac to this blog, which is a hosted WordPress server from EasyDNS and it used to work great, but something broke a few months ago and I can't upload new posts any more and I really don't want to dive in to WordPress to figure out why.

    (This post is coming from wordpress's html editor thing)

    It was so nice when this just worked without me having to think much about it.

    I had a blog in 2002? What?

    Got an email from Google today that my old blog at has had no activity since 2007, and the data will be permanently deleted soon.

    This came as a mild surprise as I have no memory of all of setting up this blog, which had 4 exciting posts in it from 2002, but for the historical record, here’s what it looked like.

    X Hayman Checks This Out

    The blog entries themselves are very thrilling. Archiving them here so that when my great-grandchildren somehow discover THIS blog, they’ll also learn about the one I had, briefly, 21 years earlier.

    my exciting blog from 2002

    FRIDAY, AUGUST 02, 2002

    So people just type their random thoughts whenever they like?
    POSTED BY X AT 10:25 PM

    And let’s publish this. [But wait I revised it]
    POSTED BY X AT 10:22 PM

    So I made beer can chicken for the 3rd time this week. Getting the hang of it. Figured out how to carve the chicken sort of semiprofessionally. My dad is still the king of carving.

    POSTED BY X AT 10:21 PM

    I’ve been reading blogs for so long, figured it was time to actually try making one.
    POSTED BY X AT 10:20 PM

    speaking of old content

    In 2012, the CFL gave six fans the password to its tumblr account in order to produce a fan-built blog all about the 100th Grey Cup. I really oughta snag a copy of THAT too. You can still see it here -

    It’s probably not too hard to tell which of the posts were from me! Especially the first one!
