On the first date of Christmas, my true love saw with me ...

I like going to the movies. My wife doesn’t like going to the movies.

So we have always compromised: we don’t go to the movies.

But she gave me an amazing Christmas gift -

Movie Certificate
This certifies that Steve Hayman is entitled to one movie date per month with his wife (movie subject to review) with no whining from his wife.

Wow. I am a lucky man indeed!

We decided to attend Mary Poppins Returns on December 30, 2018. Does this count as the first date, or is it more like an exhibition date, in the same way that Canada plays Finland before the World Junior Hockey Championship actually starts?

I sought advice from counsel; I happen to be related to a brilliant lawyer, who commented

Very liberal interpretation of contract, construed in favour of the beneficiary. If only sheโ€™d consulted a lawyer, she could have inserted โ€œcommencing January 1st 2019.โ€ Looks like you are getting a bakersโ€™ dozen.

Followup, if it please the court. The clause that says โ€œmovie subject to reviewโ€ can be reasonably interpreted to mean โ€œreviewed AFTER we see any arbitrary movie of my choiceโ€, can it not?

The clause is ambiguous. In my view, the drafter (your wife) clearly intended to have some say in the movie choice. I would therefore read that word into the contract, as in โ€œmovie choice subject to review by wifeโ€. This is a contextual, feminist analysis and should be preferred to the standard approach of โ€œcontra proferentemโ€.

I accept this contextual, feminist analysis, and I’m sure know you know what *contra proferentem" means, but just in case you don’t -

Contra proferentem (Latin: "against [the] offeror"), also known as "interpretation against the draftsman", is a doctrine of contractual interpretation providing that, where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording.

So anyway. We both deeply enjoyed Mary Poppins Returned. Date Night #0! I cheered when Dick Van Dyke appeared. Of course I saw the original when I was a kid, and the fact that Dick Van Dyke is still in it must surely mean that I am not actually getting older myself.

Even though they didn’t use any of the original music in the film, there were plenty of musical quotes of the original themes. Fun to listen to that too. And if you go - not only is Dick Van Dyke back from the original, but watch for the scene where a woman asks Jack and Jane for directions to #19 Cherry Tree Lane. That actress is Karen Dotrice (age 63), who played Jane Banks (age 9) in the original movie.

Many thanks to Cathy for this awesome, selfless present, and I will do my best to suggest movies that we might both enjoy equally. (I’m guessing that any upcoming Transformers or Fast and Furious sequel won’t be on the list.) (although really, we probably WOULD enjoy those ones equally.)

New shirts for the Moon Shot 1969 50th Anniversary

fifty years ago

July 16, 1969. Mom and Dad took my brother and me to Florida to see the Apollo XI launch. I will be grateful to them forever for taking us to see the greatest scientific thing ever.

I took this picture with my Kodak Instamatic 100. It’s still my favourite picture I’ve ever taken. See that white dot above the two puffs of smoke? That’s Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins heading to the moon.

Blurry photo of Apollo XI launch

We watched this from what is now Parrish Park in Titusville, on the SR 402 causeway heading to the Kennedy Space Center. Dad rented a camper van and we patiently waited it out, along with a million other people…

Waiting for launch

and we checked out the same spot in 2015 (this time with a slightly better camera).


Oh, and we got souvenir shirts. Here we are, having just returned from Florida in this spacious camper van - me, Mom (who, sadly, didn’t get a shirt), Dad and my brother. Our family in our MOON SHOT 1969 shirts

Check out the cool shirts with a beautiful late 1960s aesthetic. “MOON SHOT 1969 - I was there.” They weren’t quite bold enough to put the actual launch date on the shirt. Just in case.

Steve in his shirt

My sister was a baby at the time and didn’t come along, and I’m sure she has been very tired of hearing for almost 50 years of what an amazing thing this was. And she didn’t get a shirt either.

I don’t know where my original shirt is. Of course it most likely wouldn’t fit, seeing as how it was probably a boy’s medium, and I’m now an adult extra-medium. Dad still has his - and my brother even wore it to the final Space Shuttle launch.

christmas 2018

But with the 50th Anniversary coming up, I thought of a fun Christmas present. How about getting those shirts re-made in the correct sizes? Michael sent me a snapshot of his carefully preserved shirt, and I touched it up (in Pixelmator) and submitted it to Entripy, a great local producer of T-shirts who seem willing to do really small orders when they’re not cranking out 25,000 at once for the Raptors or Leafs.

I ordered 4 reproductions for me, my parents, and my brother. And then thinking of everyone else we’d see at Christmas, who have all kindly listened to our stories of the Apollo XI launch without complaining, I ordered a few more of a slightly different design. See if you can spot the difference.

Many thanks to Entripy for doing a great job on these. I hope everyone in my family wears the right one next July 16.

the designs

I Was There

Moon Shot 1969 - I Was There

I Wasn't There

Moon Shot 1969 - I Wasn’t There, But I Know Somebody Who Was

the end result

The family in our new shirts

(I’m holding a reproduction of the July 21, 1969 New York Times, headline “MEN WALK ON MOON.” Thanks for that, Michael!)

a Twitter CFL experiment

So this is kind of interesting, isn’t it?


Wow, isn’t that wild. A twitter account called @CFLPredictor that posted exactly one tweet, on June 13, before the season started, correctly calling the outcome of the 106th Grey Cup, played in November! What are the chances of that?

Well … I gotta come clean; as it happens, I have a pretty good idea what the chances of that are, because I …

  • created the CFLPredictor account on June 10, as a private account not visible to anybody.
  • <li>wrote a script (using a nifty <a href="https://github.com/sferik/t">command line twitter tool</a>) that posted hundreds of variations of the above tweet - essentially, every possible combination of <em>Team A</em> over <em>Team B</em>  
    • in a close one
    • in overtime
    • by a touchdown
    • by more than a touchdown
    • in a blowout

    Essentially it did this ..

    for t1 in BC Edmonton Calgary Saskatchewan Winnipeg Toronto Hamilton Ottawa Montreal; do
        for t2 in BC Edmonton Calgary Saskatchewan Winnipeg Toronto Hamilton Ottawa Montreal; do
            if [[ $t1 != $t2 ]]; then
                    tweet "My Grey Cup 2018 Prediction: $t1 over $t2 in overtime."
                    tweet "My Grey Cup 2018 Prediction: $t1 over $t2 in a close one."
                    tweet "My Grey Cup 2018 Prediction: $t1 over $t2 by a touchdown"
                    tweet "My Grey Cup 2018 Prediction: $t1 over $t2 by more than a touchdown."
                    tweet "My Grey Cup 2018 Prediction: $t1 over $t2 in a blowout."

    To be safe, my script had to include various extremely unlikely options like “Toronto over Hamilton”, because with the CFL’s crossover playoff format, any team can potentially beat any other team.

    (It didn’t post “Toronto over Toronto”. I have my integrity here.)

  • admired the 9 * 8 * 5 = 360 different tweets, none of which were visible to anybody other than me.
  • waited until November 25, Grey Cup day
  • PANICKED because in looking over my script, it had encountered an error months earlier and had neglected to tweet two possible Ottawa-over-Calgary outcomes.
  • on November 25th, watched the game carefully, hoping desperately for anything BUT "Ottawa over Calgary in overtime" and "Ottawa over Calgary in a blowout".
  • watched with relief as when Calgary beat Ottawa 27-16
  • deleted all but one of the tweets
  • made the account public so anybody could see it
  • retweeted the now-visible one remaining tweet [twitter.com/shayman/s...](https://twitter.com/shayman/status/1067155775980736527)
  • sat back and waited for the flood of people to comment WOW, that CFLPredictor account must be either a football genius or some sort of amazing artificial intelligence to have correctly called the outcome of the Grey Cup months before it happened.

I’m not sure what my plan was going to be if anybody else actually picked up on this but naturally I was hoping it’d get mentioned in the media somewhere.

To my slight disappointment but ultimate relief, everybody on the Internet must be smarter than me because nobody fell for this fake news ruse.

So anyway, next time you see an amazing Internet prediction, consider the possible source.

My name's on your iPhone

Really. Go find it. Iโ€™ll wait.

Couldnโ€™t find it? Settings > General > About > Legal > Legal Notices. Scroll waaaaaaaay down. Eventually youโ€™ll hit this -

update - in 2022 it’s in Settings > General > Legal and Regulatory > Legal Notices Legal Notices

Thatโ€™s right, Steve Hayman of the Indiana University Computer Science Department.

Whatโ€™s all that about?

In 1989 or so I was working at Indiana University as a network manager in the computer science department. We had a fleet of Apollo and Sun workstations, and one or two of these weird NeXT cube things, which I wound up getting to know pretty well but thatโ€™s another story.

University of California, Berkeley had a popular variant of the UNIX system, which we used at IU on our Suns, including the Sun 3/60 on my desk, that happened to be based extensively on AT&Tโ€™s System V.

Berkeley wanted to get rid of the AT&T parts so that they could make it truly open-source and unencumbered by the AT&T license restrictions, so they put out a call for volunteers to rewrite certain AT&T programs from scratch. (The rules were: you were allowed to study and run the original, and look at the man page, but you couldnโ€™t look at the original AT&T source code.)

Along with many other people who were much better programmers than me, I volunteered, and they asked me to take a stab at rewriting /usr/games/bcd, which was a silly little program that took text and drew a fake punch card around it.

BCD output sample

BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal, which was the text encoding standard that evolved into EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code), as used on punch cards, which I actually used in my first year Waterloo computing course on Fortran, and you would perhaps have liked the conference talk I gave at MacSysAdmin on the history of text encodings from Morse Code to Emoji - but more importantly - this bcd program qualified as high concept computer geek humor back in the day. Also it was in /usr/games! What exciting computer games we had in those days!

AT&T Unix came with this utility, and I volunteered to rewrite it, and submitted the code to Berkeley. They seemed happy with it and asked me to do another so I also rewrote /usr/bin/join, which is a sort of command line version of the database join function. (That one was way more useful but way less fun to demo.)

Weirdly, the AT&T version only created 48-column cards instead of the standard 80-column card, but I was intent on copying the AT&T version, so if you ever look at the source you should change this line int columns = 48;

So anyway I kind of forgot about it, but here we are, decades later. Berkeley UNIX has continued to evolve, and a lot of the Berkeley code found its way into Linux, and MacOS, and even iOS. Needless to say, iOS doesnโ€™t actually include either the bcd or join programs, but it does include a lot of other Berkeley Unix code.

Apple lists the license agreement and credits for a ton of open source code in its Legal Notices section, and Berkeley, god bless them, has chosen to include the names of all these contributors from long ago. The Berkeley section says This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by โ€ฆ. and lists dozens of people, virtually all of whom did something way more important than I did.

But there it is. Iโ€™m sure hardly anybody reads the Legal Notices but itโ€™s the first thing I check when thereโ€™s a new iOS release. Just making sure things are still there.


Berkeley unix mutated into OpenBSD and FreeBSD and NetBSD and Linux and MacOS and iOS and watchOS and tvOS and I canโ€™t keep track of it all - but you can see the OpenBSD version of the BCD source here.

I am really amused that in my efforts to copy the AT&T version exactly, I inadvertently copied a bug from the original! Four years later, Dyane Bruce noticed (and fixed) that Q and R were being punched the same way! ooops.

old experiments

The other day my son informed me that the basement family room light turned on at the exact moment someone rang the doorbell. Now, we have some HomeKit automation in our house - light switches, thermostat, etc - but I know our doorbell is not a homekit-enabled doorbell, so that couldn’t possibly be it.

It must have been just one of those weird coincidences.

Maybe an electrical glitch.

Maybe he’s imagining things….

Today I got thinking about another kind of automation. Is there something I can do so that I can post something once and then it gets automatically submitted to Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook and this blog? Hmm. I know a lot of people like IFTTT, a web based tool where you can make actions happen when something else happens ….I remember looking at that once … I should log in there and see if there’s something.

So I log in to ifttt for the first time in a long time. And discover this, which has been quietly running away for the past two years:

IFTTT workflow



Oh THAT. I remember now.

That explains it. That long forgotten experiment has been turning our basement lights on whenever the doorbell rings for almost three years, completely unnoticed by everybody.

Well, unnoticed by me.

Thanks for the tip, Nick.

(I’ve deleted it. Thank you for your service, my little forgotten ifttt workflow.)

You should get a custom domain.

You really should get a custom domain.

I like having “hayman.net” for my domain name. (I registered that one over twenty years ago - I wish I had been fast enough to get “hayman.com” - but that was for many years a cash register company in the States, that has now mutated into a consulting company. But they are also Haymans (no relation) so that’s cool.)

A domain can be as cheap as $10/year. What can you do if you’ve registered your own? Permanence.

  • Have whatever simple, easy to remember, easy to say email address you like, forever. You can set things up so that email to YourSimpleEmailAddress is magically forwarded to YourActualComplicatedEmailAddress.
    i.e. Let’s say you registered the domain name “YourLastName.com”.
    Now you can tell everybody that your email address, forever, will be YourFirstName@YourLastName.com.
    Doesn’t that look better and more professional than “steve1964@myCableCompany.com”? And if you ever switch email addresses - maybe you’ve dropped the cable company - you don’t need to tell anybody that your new email address is now “shayman3907@gmail.com”. They can keep using YourFirstName@YourLastName.com as if nothing ever happened. You just change the mail forwarding setup. And … If you’re looking for a job, which email address do you want to tell them - FootballFanGoArgosGo1983@BigHonkingCableCompany.com, or Steve@MyDomain.com ?

  • Set up similar email addresses for friends and family. My dad has a simple email address now, one based on his name that is easy to remember, and he has been known to brag about this vanity address to his friends. I think he says “my son runs the internet, that’s how he managed to get hayman.net”

  • Set up emails for your kids that just forward everything to your email address, so you can gently introduce them to email. I have been known to register a domain name and email forwarding for somebody else’s new baby as a thoughtful gift. I think this is a thoughtful gift. Wouldn’t you like to have a permanent, easy to remember email address from the day you were born? (Other people disagree. I’m still trying.)

  • Make a single email address that goes to BOTH Mom and Dad.
    We did this any time the school or anybody else wanted an email contact. We told them to use MomAndDad@OurDomain.com - and those emails were a simple address that forwarded to BOTH parents so that we’d each see the important communications.

  • Make a catch-all address, if you like, so that ANY email at all sent to WhateverYouLike@YourDomain.com will be forwarded to your actual email address. Then you can invent a new email every time you register for something. Tell the newspaper that your address is, say, “WashingtonPost@yourdomain.com” and you can instantly recognize emails that come from the paper to you. Or if you need to register for some throwaway site, don’t give them your real email, give them ABrandNewMadeUpAddress@yourdomain.com . You can always arrange later that any mail sent to that address will be magically deleted.

  • Have a blog with an easy to remember domain name, like this one - “blog.hayman.net”, instead of (in my case, at the moment) “shayman.micro.blog”. I like micro.blog but if I ever get tired of it and want to move to wordpress or tumblr or something else, I can keep using “blog.hayman.net” and just change a few settings so that that address now refers people to wherever my blog actually is. If you happen to be using micro.blog, there are some good instructions here on setting up a custom domain.

  • Have a web site that actually redirects people to your Facebook page or your blog page or anywhere else. We’ve done this for my wife’s travel business, a simple URL - TakeACruise.ca - that redirects to her travel agency’s web site. We can change that redirect later to point to anything else, but she can use this as part of her brand.

The hardest part, of course, is thinking of a good domain name that isn’t already in use. All the good .com’s are gone. Every-possible-last-name.com has been registered, sometimes by a company that wants to sell you some email forwarding services. But I bet you can think of something. Maybe you register lastnameFamily.com or TheLastnames.com or some other variation? Maybe .net or .ca or any one of hundreds of new top-level-domains that have been created recently?

Where to start?

There are plenty of registrars who will register the domain name you’ve dreamed up, and let you set up email forwarding like I described. Most will let you search for domain names across .com, .net, .ca, .club, .construction, .family and hundreds of other top-level-domains at once.

I happen to like Namecheap and EasyDNS but there are lots of others.
Let’s say I was doing this today. I’d go to namecheap.com and there’s a search box on the main page. Type in “hayman” and it’ll start searching … and we see …

  • hayman.com (taken)
  • hayman.net (taken - wait, I already have this one)
  • hayman.ca (that’s me too)
  • hayman.co (Available! Premium! $5,532.50/year! No thank you!)
  • hayman.live (Only $2.48/year for the first year)

And many more. Pick one, sign up, pay Namecheap, and you’ll own your domain.

Let’s say you like “hayman.live”. Namecheap then gives you a web site where you can set things up so that email to, for instance, “steve@hayman.live” gets forwarded to “steve_hayman_2314238234@CableCompanyIHate.com” and you never need to tell anybody your ugly cable company email address again. Just tell them “steve@hayman.live”. Any mail anybody sends to steve@hayman.live will get magically forwarded (by Namecheap’s servers) to your real email address. And if you choose later in life to switch from cableCompanyIHate.com to phoneCompanyJustAsBad.com or me.com or gmail.com or anything else, you don’t need to tell everybody in the world what your new address is; you just return to namecheap.com and fiddle with the forwarding.


  • Don’t forget to renew your domain every year. If you’re serious about this, set up automatic renewal. You don’t want to forget to renew “hayman.live” and then have all your incoming email stop working - or, worse, somebody else registers YOUR domain name and won’t give it back unless you pay them big bucks. Actually happens.

  • You’ll have to set up your Mail program so that mail you create says “From: steve@hayman.live” instead of “From: steve_hayman_2314238234@CableCompanyIHate.com

  • Pick a reputable domain name registrar.

  • A .com domain still seems to have the greatest prestige, for no particularly good reason other than .com has been around the longest. It’s also getting really hard to find a.com domain that hasn’t already been chosen. There’s nothing wrong with using .net or .ca or any of the hundreds of others - but if you can find a simple .com that’s still available, use that. On the other hand, ma

No Offence Intended - A 1986 History of Waterloo Warrior Football

In 1986 UW Courier Alumni Magazine editor Chris Redmond, knowing of my irrational support of the apparent lost cause of Waterloo football, asked me to write an article on the history of the team.

UW Courier Cover December 1986 Courier - Page 19 - title page of article

I had just graduated from Waterloo with my M.Math. and had been a staunch supporter of the football Warriors ever since I started in 1977. (Maybe you heard, I ran the Waterloo Warriors Band for a few years too.)

The team had gone through an amazing period of futility at the time. Things are much better now though. Legendary coach Dave “Tuffy” Knight arrived in 1988, and by 1997 the Warriors had actually won the Yates Cup, emblematic of Ontario football supremacy. Waterloo even won a playoff game over Western, the last game ever played at Western’s historic J. W. Little Stadium. Western then tore down the stadium in shame.

And although the team reverted to its traditional struggling form in the 2000s - and, sadly, UW suspended the football program for an entire year in 2010 after an embarrassing steroid scandal - the current Warriors under coach Chris Bertoia are returning to respectability. They are 2-0 as I write this, won 4 games last year, and seems to have shaken off years of futility. Let’s hope that trend continues.

I really enjoyed researching this article, talking to past coaches, hearing some of their stories, and learning that there was a long-lost trophy, the Bar-O-O, made from a barrel painted in each school’s colours, that went to the winner of the Waterloo/Laurier game.

Cleaning up the garage on the weekend, I found a box with a copy of the magazine. Rereading it brought back lots of memories - especially of wonderful coaches like Carl Totzke, Wally Delahey and Bob McKillop, who all befriended me as a nervous undergraduate attempting to figure out how to run a band, and who loved telling stories of founding and growth of Waterloo football. Carl and Wally both passed away recently, but I met Bob at the UW hall of fame banquet last year and was able to tell him how much his friendship meant to me.

I hope you might enjoy rereading this article too. I’m indebted to former UW Alumni magazine editor Chris Redmond for encouraging this piece. In hindsight, my prediction at the end was just a bit off - but I think I could see that things were going to get better.

Anyway, here it is. I hope that by putting this online, some of these stories of Waterloo Warrior football might live a little longer.

No offence intended

Waterloo, UW Alumni Magazine, December 1986

Observations, historical research and ill-disguised passion by Steve Hayman, until recently Chief Centurion of the Warriors Band and still one of the greatest of a brave breed: fans of Warrior football.

It’s a story 30 seasons long, starting with “Carleton College Ravens 24, Waterloo College Mules 20” on October 5, 1957; punctuated by “Waterloo 1, RMC 0”, “Waterloo 60, Laurentian 0”, “Waterloo 19, Lutheran 7”, and, more typically, “Western 72, Waterloo “.

It’s a story of dedicated fans, cheerleaders in togas, making the playoffs, a wine-barrel trophy, one of the bands in Canada, and school fight songs with timeless lyrics including “Keep on playing, you Warriors,”, “Come on, get wise, you guys,” and “Laurier, Laurier, pffft to Laurier.”

It’s a story with 66 wins, 165 losses and 5 ties, and five guys who made it to the pros.

And it’s a story of a group of players and coaches who, although usually unsuccessful in the win column, achieved other more important goals, such as getting an education and having fun. Just ask anyone who’s ever coached the team.
(It’s easy. They all still work here.)

The current coach-for-life, Bob McKillop, is the perfect guy to head Warrior football. The prototypical big-man-on-campus in the late 60’s, he quarterbacked the Warriors to three straight winning seasons.

McKillop played baseball for the White Sox, coached the Warrior hockey team to a national championship in 1974, played on an intramural basketball team that beat the varsity Warriors one year. (“I’ll never forget that”, he says, although he wonders if maybe it was the junior varsity team.) He was even MC for the FASS show, and is one of the few people who understand the Warriors Band.

“I’ve actually had some fun this year,” he said, in the midst of 1986’s record losing streak. “The kids work hard and we have an exceptional coaching staff. There’s a tremendous amount of improvement going on. I’m really really pleased. I hope we can keep this group together.”

The early years

UW has had a football team of sorts since its inception in 1957, when Waterloo College started up the “Associate Faculties” as a dodge for getting more government money. At that time, a young Carl Totzke, Waterloo College Class of ‘49, was reporting on sports for the K-W Record and coaching the WC Mules part-time.

“We had to scramble for games,” Totzke, now UW athletic director, recalled. “We played Huron College, Ryerson, U of T intramural teams, whoever we could get.”

The Associate Faculties, which eventually became UW, built Seagram Stadium in 1957 on land donated by the city, and with the help of $250,000 from Seagrams. “That was the first building of the new Associate Faculties, and it demonstrated that it was for real,” Totzke recalls. “Then the government kicked in, and of course, later we gave the stadium away.” To the city. For a dollar.

In 1958, Totzke became the full time WC athletic director, with a staff of none, and led the Mules – a team shared by Waterloo College and the Associate Faculties/UW – to their second straight 0-7 season in the Ontario Intercollegiate Football Conference; they managed to beat Carleton 30-6 in 1959 to finish the 1950’s with a 1-20 record.

The UW Warrior football team made its debut under that name in the OIFC in 1960; all-time Warrior great Dick Aldredge captained the team, which lost to Guelph in their first game but beat Carleton and RMC later to finish at 2-5.

Aldredge was a two-way player, playing offensively and defensively for up to 58 minutes per game; in 1961 he led Waterloo to a historic 12-6 win over Carleton for the school’s first Homecoming win during the “Wa Wa Wee” – the Waterloo Warrior Weekend. He’s still the team’s all-time leading rusher and second-leading scorer with 991 points, behind late-70’s kicker Mike Karpow.

Also in 1961, “Hail to Waterloo,” by science student Kenneth Magee, won a contest held for a new school song. To the tune of Scotland the Brave, it went like this

Hail, Hail to Waterloo
Our Warriors fight for you
On High your colours hold
Black, White and Gold
We'll show them one and all
That they can't win them all.
Proudly we give the call
Hail Waterloo!

Catchy, but it didn’t enjoy universal support. One cheerleader felt compelled to write an alternate:

Come on get wise, you guys,
We are from Waterloo.
We've got a winning team,
We'll walk right over you.
The Engineers are here,
The Arts and Science too,
So give a great big cheer,
For the U. Of W.

1961 ended with a third place 3-4 record and the first appearance in print of the Warrior slogan “Wait ‘till next year.” The following year, a record crowd of 1,884 saw the Waterloo Lutheran Golden Hawks edge Waterloo 7-6 in the first o 25 games between the cross-town rivals. The Warriors have one 4 out of the 9 games they’ve played against “Lutheran”, but have lost all 16 games against “Laurier.” (Anyone for changing the name back?)

Another team that always gave the Warriors trouble were the Redmen of Royal Military College (not to be confused with the Redmen of McGill or Guelph, or for that matter the Warriors of Loyola.) “Numbers-wise there was not that much disparity between the two schools,” Totzke said. “They’d win on conditioning. They’d get into a cohesive unit better than other schools.” RMC won 6 of its 10 games against Waterloo, and, its objectives achieved, withdrew from competition in the early 1970’s.

A brief break for some Warrior trivia

Games: 236

Most Games Against

McMaster 40, Guelph 36, WLU 25, Western 23

Most Common UW Score

0 (34 times)

Average Score

Opposition 22, Warriors 11

Biggest wins

Waterloo 60, Laurentian 0 (1967, Home)
Waterloo 52, Montreal 0 (1967, Home)
Waterloo 37, St. F. X 0 (1970 away, ex.)
Waterloo 40, McMaster 6 (1979, away)
Waterloo 34, Guelph 0 (1967, away)
Waterloo 34,McMaster 0 (1977, home)
Waterloo 35, Montreal 1 (1966, home)

Biggest Losses

McMaster 77, Waterloo College Mules 0 (1957, home)
Western 72, Waterloo 0 (1984, away)
McMaster 69, Waterloo College 0 (1957, away)
McMaster 60, Waterloo 0 (1985, away)
Laurier 59, Waterloo 0 (1985 home, ex)

Biggest Loss In Which At Least We Scored

McMaster 60, Waterloo 6 (1984, home)

Biggest Loss To A School That Doesn't Play College Football Any More

RMC 52, Waterloo College 0 (1957, home)

Biggest Loss Outside Canada

Wilmington College (Ohio) 46, Waterloo 6 (1986)

Schools We've Never Played

Mount Allison, Acadia, UBC, Calgary, Manitoba

Strange Scores

Waterloo 0, Guelph 0 (1962)
Waterloo 1, RMC 0 (1966)
McMaster 1, Waterloo 0 (1970)
Western 3, Waterloo 2 (1970)
Waterloo 4, Carleton 2 (1975)

Back to the live action

1963 saw Waterloo’s first win over Waterlootheran, 13-12. The game featured strong performances by Aldredge, who blocked a sure-thing WLU field goal in the final minutes, and equally strong play by the six Warrior cheerleaders selected earlier in the year on the basis of “hair, posture, clothes, figure and a rather dubious category called etc”, according to the Coryphaeus. Six judges, Totzke included, had labored for hours over a list of candidates and were apparently considering resorting to a tape measure in order to make a final decision, until the cooler heads of the two female judges prevailed. The same issue reported that “the six short-skirted cheerleaders were much appreciated but had a hard time out-yelling the well-oiled fans.”

The Homecoming rematch in 1964 was played before a record Seagram Stadium crowd of 5,000. The Coryphaeus fueled the rivalry with a front page article outlining “45 Reasons why WLU will lose”, which included

  • According to the 83rd thesis by Luther, Thou shalt not play feetsball, ye followers of mine
  • Our field has been seeded with grass grown in the Vatican gardens;
  • This year, we choose the referees;
  • The University police have promised to let anyone park anywhere on campus if the Warriors win.

Unfortunately, as anyone who has had a car towed in the past 20 years can tell you, Lutheran won 19-18.

A new era began on September 24, 1965, midway through the third quarter of a game against Guelph. Dick Aldredge had moved on to the Canadian Football League, and rookie Bob McKillop replaced Doug Billing at quarterback and tossed an 11-yard touchdown pass to Kim McCuaig. The Warriors beat the Guelph Redmen - later the Gryphons - 12-1. The ‘65 Warriors were felt by many to be the school’s best team yet, beat Loyola 32-19 in a game highlighted by a 100-yard interception return for a touchdown by Pat McMenamin, and finished the season with 4 wins, 3 losses.

Totzke remembers having “a really interesting group of players” in the mid-1960’s. “McMaster had a one-year graduate physical education program, and they were getting a great influx of ready-made athletes. So we got on the bandwagon and created a one-year PE course. That got the traditional phys ed schools ticked, off, and it gradually became unacceptable, but it brought us the “one-year wonders” – Bob Howes, who came from Queen’s and went on to play with the Eskimos, Mike Law, Dave Knechtel who came from WLU and went on to Winnipeg …

“In retrospect, the one-year program wasn’t a good idea; it prevented us from growing and developing our own players. It meant that 20 of your own students couldn’t play.” But it was successful. The Warriors peaked during this period, with three straight winning seasons from 1965 to 1968 and some of the most memorable games in Warrior history.

The unusual score of Waterloo 1, RMC 0 occurred in 1966 in an error-filled exhibition matchup. “I remember that game; we hadn’t practiced before it,” McKillop reminisced, leafing through old copies of the Coryphaeus. “One of the outstanding punters in Canadian College football,” he said, reading about himself. “Geez, who wrote that? We sure had him fooled.”

Totzke recalls long hours spent by his wife and himself making sandwiches in preparation for road trips to Montreal. “The guys would complain that they weren’t going to eat them, at least until we put the sandwiches out. It was the cool thing to complain.” One of those Montreal trips saw the Warrior defence stop Loyola’s running game dead in its tracks by halftime. “We were creaming them 20-0 at halftime. They couldn’t run the ball at all. So in the second half, they found they could pass and came back to win 22-20,” he remembers. “We stoned ‘em so bad on defence in the first half, they found our weakness.”

During that same 1966 season, math student Dave Greenberg started up The Warriors Band in order to get into the games for free. “One time we were playing and it started to rain,” he recalls. “We decided to stay around and play some cheers. That turned the crowd around, and the team noticed. The Lettermen offered to get us some uniforms. We started saying hey, there’s money there, what can we spend it on? So we bought the big bass drum.” From that point on, the Carling Red Cap Hymn became a fixture at UW games.

The Bar-O-O

Running back Brian Irvine and some friends in the phys ed class of 1967 decided to do something about UW spirit. Team co-captain Peter Hopkins, now UW campus recreation director, had transferred to UW from Carleton and was familiar with the rivalry at the annual Carleton-Ottawa “Panda Bowl” game.

Hopkins and Irvine were brainstorming ideas about stirring up the UW-WLU rivalry, when Irvine located an old wine barrel in his dad’s basement. The group painted it in UW and WLU colours, christening it the Bar-O-O trophy, emblematic of football supremacy in Waterloo, and for many years, it was presented to the winner of the UW-WLU game.

Unfortunately the Bar-O-O seems to have disappeared, although everybody has a pretty good idea of which school must have it.

Irvine led the team to a stunning 30-26 victory over Western in 1967. Totzke’s last home game as a coach and McKillop’s as a player was a memorable 12-8 victory over number-6-ranked Lutheran that year. “How Sweet It Is!” was Totzke’s reaction after the players presented him with the game ball.

Assistant coach Wally Delahey, now the assistant athletic director, was handed the reins in 1968 after Totzke’s alleged retirement. The team joined Toronto, Queen’s, McGill and Western in the big league that year; people were buzzing about the College Bowl, and expanding Seagram Stadium. Six thousand fans and the new Warrior mascot saw a pre-season loss to Alberta and defeat of WLU, complete with UW’s own banner-towing plane.

How was that season, Wally? “It was a rude awakening,” he says, recalling one win, one tie and four losses. The 19-19 tie against Toronto and 30-6 win over Western t least proved that UW belonged in the new league, although the new toga-style cheerleader uniforms were a bit of a disappointment. The season marked a turning point for Warrior fans – they became more aggressive and more colourful, and the Warrior Band’s halftime show in Kingston held up the Queen’s Band’s show for 20 minutes.

Everyone connected with Warrior football recalls 5'9” running back Gord McLellan’s stellar performance in a 20-15 victory at McGill in 1970, the main highlight of a 1-5 season. Waterloo’s three touchdowns were all scored by McLellan on kick returns. “The last was a 105-yard run in the last minute of the game,” Delahey remembers. “After that, McGill coach Tom Mooney just disintegrated. He disappeared off the face of the earth.”

A personal highlight for Delahey was a Nova Scotia trip the team took prior to the 1970 season, and the resulting quest for the Green Acres Motel in Antigonish.

"We always made the guys get dressed up for a trip. I was really proud of those guys; they were dressed to the nines. But when we got to Antigonish, which has a main drag about as long as this hall, we couldn't find the motel. I asked this old codger where it was. He smirked and said there was no Green Acres Motel, but there was a Green Acres Campground, and that St. F. X. owned it, so away we go down this road. After six miles, it's not a road any more, it's just a path, but we see this Green Acres sign, and a whole bunch of really rustic cabins. "This can't be it", we said, but the guys piled out of the bus in the middle of the wilderness, still all dressed up, beside this football field that looked like a cow pasture. "OK coach, the joke's over," one of them said. I took the bus back into town and phoned Carl and he said "yeah that's it", so back I go and I have to tell all the guys. We got some fires going in the cabins, they were right on the Bay of Fundy and it turned out to be a great experience."

An unfortunate bout of player unrest and defections – McLellan, disenchanted with something, jumped to Queen’s – hurt the team in 1971. Fans threw beer bottles at the cheerleaders that year. Somehow, the team pulled through and won three in a row for the first time ever, against Windsor, Guelph and McMaster. The season ended with, sadly, the team’s last ever victory over WLU, 1907, and the Warriors finished a healthy 4-4, after a strong performance by rookie quarterback Chuck Wakefield.

The team finished 3-3 in 1972 but had yet to make the playoffs when the first big slump hit. UW won no more than two games a season from 1973 to 1977, and it’s hard to tell what was really going on because the Chevron was, you know, the Chevron, and there wasn’t a lot of sports coverage.

Renison College cook Louis Zimmerhansl fed the team pre-game meals for years. “He was even our honorary coach once”, Delahey says. “We’d sometimes get a faculty member or Dr. Burt Matthews or someone to do that. They’d come to the meal, come into the dressing rooms. It was a good PR move. We never got turned down.”

Delahey also used to run a goofy Play of the Week on occasion. “It’d be a fun play, like a triple reverse. I don’t think it ever worked.”

The Game

Then came 1978, The Year of the Playoff Game We Shoulda Won, the only playoff game in UW’s history.

Delahey had proposed a new league structure for the 1978 season that saw the OUAA West Division split into two groups, the four traditionally strong schools (Toronto, Western, Windsor and WLU) and the weak sisters: Waterloo, Guelph, York and McMaster. You played one cross-over game – WLU beat us 39-10 in that one – and twice against each school in your group. Waterloo managed a 4-3 record in the regular season, including a spectacular 130-yard league record punt return for a touchdown by Steve Valeriote against York, good enough for third place in the combined standing, and prepared for the Big Semi-Final Game against WLU.

It was a perfect day for football, and we all remember it like it was yesterday (don’t we?). WLU was, of course, heavily favoured, and took the predicted 23-3 lead at halftime. The Warriors came out breathing fire in the second half. Quarterback Greg Sommerville threw touchdown passes to Dan Hagen and Mike Grace; Mike Karpow added a field goal. Suddenly it was 23-20. The Hawks were reeling, and the Warriors were set for the final killer blow. Waterloo was pressing for the go-ahead touchdown from the three yard line. Sommerville handed off to running back Bill Guthrie, who will probably never forget fumbling the ball. Later, Karpow added another field goal to tie the game, but UW was unable to go ahead, as WLU intercepted another Sommerville pass in the end zone (sigh) and WLU full back Jim Reid scored the winning touchdown with less than two minutes left.

A big disappointment. But also a super effort. “We should have beaten WLU”, says Delahey. “We played so bloody well. The low point was looking at those guys after the game.” Unfortunately the split-division schedule was dropped after the 1978 season and UW football returned to a successions of two-wins-or-less seasons.

Mind you, they did tie the Toronto Blues 20-20 in 1980 when the Blues were ranked number 1 in the country, and the 25-24 win over Toronto in 1984 was “fantastic! The punting was the key to the victory,” says Jim MacMillan, the, uh, punter in 1984.


So here we are in 1986 and – I hate to say it – the Warriors have lost 19 games in a row. It’s trendy, but unfair, to knock the program without really knowing what’s going on. Coach McKillop took over from Coach Delahey for the 1982 season, after a long and successful tenure as UW hockey coach.

“I can adamantly say – this keeps me going – no matter who you talk to, there are no negative vibes from the kids,” he says. “Have they enjoyed it? Yes. It’s the thing that keeps me young.”

Only this year has UW begun to recruit football players. And it’s paying off. The team is becoming more competitive, although the actual won-lost record won’t show it just yet. “If we have another recruiting year like last year, we’ll be 25 per cent better again. You’re only as good as the horse you’ve got in the barn,” McKillop comments.

But it’s not easy, and McKillop and assistant coach in charge of recruiting Ron Dias are not having an easy time of it. “My biggest concern is that people in local high schools are not supporting our program. They’re actively discouraging people from playing here. We find exactly the opposite outside Waterloo County,” the coach says. Unbelievable.

“We’ve done everything”, he continues. “We ran a football clinic here. People came and said it was the best they’d ever been at. But the least attendance was from Waterloo Region.”

On recruiting, Totzke notes that “if you want success, you have to do it. There are difficulties with the perception of the university, that it’s a high tech school, very demanding, that nobody has any fun. These perceptions are difficult to overcome.”

Looking back over the years, you might not think that football at UW has been a success. But it has. “You know the best thing I can say? If I had to do it again, I would”, says former centre Pete Callaghan, who played from 1981 to 1985, a period when the team won only 5 games.

Or ask Frank Kosec, the most recent Warrior to make the CFL, who retired this year after a career with Calgary and Montreal (and an environmental studies degree.) “Football was never my number 1 objective. Get your education first, and combine it with football. That’s where UW is great – it doesn’t push football. The guys come out of here with a degree.”

Kosec could have played anywhere after being named Toronto’s top high school defensive player. “I could have gone to Western or WLU but I figure I’ll take the education first”, he says. “It was a lot of fun.”

Kosec keeps in touch with McKillop as much as he can. How’s he like this year’s team? “At least they’re trying. They have an opportunity to play. It’s tough when you lose, but the scoreboard isn’t everything. I’d rather be on a losing team and play, than be on a winning team and on the bench.”

Of course, more money would help UW’s program immensely, as it’s sadly underfunded. But the coaching staff has the right attitude. “We’ve had less serious injuries [in 1986] than we’ve ever had”, says athletic therapist Brian Farrance.

We have some good players. We have a mascot and a band. We have some dedicated fans. It’s just a matter of time.

In fact, I’m going to make a prediction. The Warriors will win the 1992 CIAU championship.

The 1961 school song says it best:

Keep on Playing, You Warriors
... To Victory!

Even More Argonauts-As-Emoji Charades

In Part 1, we got carried away rendering the names of current and former members of the Toronto Argonauts as emoji (to recap, it all started with “๐Ÿป๐ŸŒฒ”, for “Bear Woods.")

Here in the Department of We Just Can’t Let Things Go, are a few more. My thanks to @TheScullerwag for some brilliant contributions to this list.

Some ground rules:

  1. You must be referring to a current or former player, coach, executive, or anybody else associated with the Toronto Argonauts
  2. The name must be rendered primarily using Emoji, but we will also allow other unusual characters from the Unicode standard
  3. We will allow broad interpretations of the meaning of certain Emoji in order to make these "jokes" work. In particular, we will allow a country's flag to stand for various things - the two or three letter ISO country code or a term for a person from that country. Furthermore, knowing your mathematical symbols and periodic table may be required.
  4. If you don't think all of these are side-splittingly hilarious, feel free to start your own list.

I thought I had peaked with with McLeod Bethel-Thompson but then @thescullerwag exceeded that with a brilliant rendering of Mookie Mitchell and scaled new heights - and plunged far back in history - with Nobby Wirkowski.

Without further ado,

More Argos As Emoji

The Sequence

You Should Read It As Who The Heck Are We Talking About
๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ โ˜๏ธ ๐Ÿ›€ ๐ŸšŸ ๐Ÿฆƒ ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ

MAC CLOUD BATH EL(evated railway) TOM(turkey) SON Current Argos quarterback McLeod Bethel-Thompson, of course

MOO KEY MITT SHELL Derrell "Mookie" Mitchell.

RABBIT DRUM MOUNT obviously, Robert Drummond
๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฑ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿœโ˜•

POLE MASS HOT TEA Paul Masotti. @thescullerwag wasn't sure this one would work. I think it's brilliant.
๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ› ๐Ÿ„๐ŸŽฟ

NO BEE WORK COW SKI Argo quarterback and 1952 Grey Cup Champion, Nobby Wirkowski
๐Ÿ‘ž ๐Ÿšฎ โœ๏ธ

TOE BIN WROTE Tobin Rote. Reaching deep into the Argo quarterback alumni ranks here.
๐Ÿ‘ต ๐Ÿ‘จ ๐Ÿ‘ฝ

DAME MAN ALIEN Damon Allen. We are starting to wonder if it's possible to do this for all former Argo quarterbacks.
โ˜•๏ธ ๐Ÿ— ๐Ÿ— ๐Ÿ‘จ

JOE THIGHS MAN Joe Theismann, and yes, it sure looks like you can do this for all former Argo quarterbacks

CAR WIN BELL Kerwin Bell, speaking of which.
๐Ÿœ ๐Ÿฏ ๐Ÿฎ โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘Œ

ANT HONEY COW V O Anthony Calvillo. Hey we can do this with quarterback coaches too.
๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ—๏ธ ๐Ÿšƒ

GEM STEEL WAGON All time argo Jim Stillwagon. Wagon. That's what they call railroad cars in Europe, OK?

ORLANDO STEIN HOUR Orlondo Steinauer. Good one by Kelly. Mike had a slightly different alternative - ๐Ÿšฃโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿœ๏ธ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿบโณ . Both highly worthy.

ATOM READER Did you know former Argo GM Adam Rita actually appeared in the Elvis Presley movie Blue Hawaii?
โš›โ‚…โ‚„ โˆง ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ ๐ŸŽฃ

XENON AND RUS FISHING Zenon Andrusyshyn. I struggled mightily with this one. Not only do I wish there was better Unicode support for specific items on the periodic table, I really wish I could get the F out of there.
๐Ÿ˜Œ ๐Ÿš—๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ‘€

YAWN CAR RINSE SEE Jan Carinci. @thescullerwag with another gem.

MATTE BLACK The rare one-emoji identifier. It's not glossy. It's Matte. Matte Black. Matt Black. Work with me here.
๐Ÿ˜Ÿ ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿฎ

SAD ROCK MINOTAUR Cedric Minter. @thescullerwag pushing the limits once again.
๐Ÿฅง๐Ÿ’จ ๐Ÿฅ›๐ŸŽ

PIE AIR VERRE CHEVAL Pierre Vercheval, and nothing in the rules says you can't switch languages part way through the interpretation.
๐Ÿ– ๐ŸŒฐ ๐Ÿ‘‹ ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฆ

SANDY A NUT SEEYA TA Sandy Annunziata. "TA" is of course Tristan Da Cunha, an isolated group of islands in the South Atlantic that, conveniently for us, has its own Unicode flag.

STURGEON WIN Spergon Wynn. Definitely searching the depths of former Argo quarterbacks here.
๐Ÿฅซ โœ‹โšพ ๐Ÿฅซ

CAN TOSS TIN Kent Austin. Might as well get all the former quarterbacks.
๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ‘ธ

GEM COW REGAL Jim Corrigall. From @thescullerwag who can't let this go either.
๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฉ ๐Ÿˆถ๐Ÿˆถ

CHAD OWNS Chad Owens. Flag of Chad plus Japanese emoji character meaning โ€˜to ownโ€™, as in โ€œfor purchaseโ€ x2..
๐Ÿ’ช ๐Ÿ‘จ ๐Ÿต ๐Ÿ˜ถ ๐Ÿ“š

ARM MAN TEA HEAD WORDS Armanti Edwards. Please, make it stop..